Friday, May 25, 2007

Summer Break Begins...

No School for a while, so I didn't set the alarm this morning. I let the kids know we could all sleep in today. Greg left at 5 am for work and that is the last noise I remember until... I woke up at 7:30 with the fan on high in my room(the twins did this to block out the noise) and I smelled food. Well they all woke up at the break of dawn and made eggs and toast. Brendon loves to take charge and the others all take his orders, most of the time. They did a good job and had already cleaned up the kitchen for me. They let me know there were only two shells and they got them both out:). Brendon gave Meryn the job of picture taking. I think she did a pretty good job! They wanted to make sure I had pictures so I could blog about it.

1 comment:

grammaneir said...

Good job kids - where are the pictures?