Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our August

We had a very busy August and like always we didn't have our camera out near enough. We did manage to capture some of the fun times. Gregs family was here throughout most of the month, so it was a fun, yet busy month.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Meryns first day of Kindergarten

Oh man. I didn't think it was going to be this hard. Our little girl is growing up. I knew this day was coming, but it came too fast. Today is Meryns first day of kindergarten. And she couldn't have been more excited. I was making some coffee 10 minutes to 7, when I heard some little feet upstairs. I got to the top of the stairs and saw my little girl excitedly getting dressed in her new school clothes. She looked at me and smiled, "Hi daddy, did you see my new shoes? We had to erder them". After some pronunciation work, I just watched her as she made sure she was all set to go, ring and all. We all walked to school together and there was no hesitation as she sat with all the other kindergartner's, waiting to be dismissed. When it was time, she headed off to her class, found her seat and sat there looking around, taking it all in. She looked so big sitting there. Not our baby anymore. When it was time to go, she gave us hugs, told Susan she would "miss you with all my heart", waved and told us goodbye. This is going to be a long day. 3:05 can't come quick enough!

And then there were none...

Today is a sad day for me! All four of my kids are gone to school and the house is too quiet. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind SOME peace and quiet, it is just that this means my babies are all grown up. I have always had someone home with me for the last 12 years to entertain, bug, play and even nap with me. I will miss those days so much and I am sure summers will be extra special for us from here on out, all getting to be together. I just hate to think my kids are getting so big, and will all be grown up before we know it. I miss having babies but love seeing what grown ups they are all becoming. I am so proud of them all and so proud to call them my kids.

Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school...2009

It is that time again! Brendon and Caleb start their first day of 6th grade today, Trevin 4th and Meryn will start all day Kindergarten on Wednesday. The house will be so quiet, I'm not sure we will like it. This is the first time in Twelve years we don't have any kids home. Wow how fast time flies!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Swimming Lessons

We had private swimming lessons for the kids this summer and they all four really improved their skills. I didn't have my camera for the twins but got a couple of Trevin & Meryn.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Vail Vacation

We went to Vail Colorado for our family vacation this year with Roger and Dee Dee's family. We had an awesome time and loved the cool weather we had while we were there. Here are a few of the 400 pictures we took.