Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Meryns first day of Kindergarten

Oh man. I didn't think it was going to be this hard. Our little girl is growing up. I knew this day was coming, but it came too fast. Today is Meryns first day of kindergarten. And she couldn't have been more excited. I was making some coffee 10 minutes to 7, when I heard some little feet upstairs. I got to the top of the stairs and saw my little girl excitedly getting dressed in her new school clothes. She looked at me and smiled, "Hi daddy, did you see my new shoes? We had to erder them". After some pronunciation work, I just watched her as she made sure she was all set to go, ring and all. We all walked to school together and there was no hesitation as she sat with all the other kindergartner's, waiting to be dismissed. When it was time, she headed off to her class, found her seat and sat there looking around, taking it all in. She looked so big sitting there. Not our baby anymore. When it was time to go, she gave us hugs, told Susan she would "miss you with all my heart", waved and told us goodbye. This is going to be a long day. 3:05 can't come quick enough!


Jason and Sadie said...

That last picture of Meryn's g'bye wave even put tears in MY eyes, & I have a houseful yet! Children are such a blessing and our time with them is so short.

Jenny said...

WOW! Since I live so far away, it is especially comforting to read and feel the emotion behind these comments of how much my grandchildren are loved and wanded. The Lord has blessed our grandparent's heart to their fullest. What more could we ever want for our family. Thank you!