Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And then there were none...

Today is a sad day for me! All four of my kids are gone to school and the house is too quiet. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind SOME peace and quiet, it is just that this means my babies are all grown up. I have always had someone home with me for the last 12 years to entertain, bug, play and even nap with me. I will miss those days so much and I am sure summers will be extra special for us from here on out, all getting to be together. I just hate to think my kids are getting so big, and will all be grown up before we know it. I miss having babies but love seeing what grown ups they are all becoming. I am so proud of them all and so proud to call them my kids.

1 comment:

Elisa Seaba said...

Wow Susan, can't believe yours are all in school! Hope this morning wasn't too hard on you! I was thinking about you !