Sunday, May 21, 2006

Big Girl

Meryn has been climbing out of her crib in the morning and after nap time so we decided it was time to change her bed into a big girl bed. She LOVES it! She has done so awesome, she stays in it and hasn't gotten out once after we put her to bed. Although when I got home from work this morning Caleb was complaining that she woke him at 6:30. We do have to put lots of blankets on the floor because she does fall out:) but it doesn't seem to bother her. My baby is growing up:(

Great Uncle John

Uncle John Came to Grandpa and grandma's to visit and so we snapped a few pictures. Meryn enjoyed showing off for him. :)

Busy Summer

Well looks I'm not much better than Greg keeping up on this blog. We have so much going on this month. I took the twins on a field trip for math at the mall last week(why I ever volunteered for this one I have no idea) anyway it was three hours of walking around the mall answering a book of 40 different questions. VERY STRESSFUL!!! We got 35 of them done and I was exhausted at the end of it. I took my camera but was much to flustered to stop and remember to take a picture...Oh and by the way I think Brendon and Caleb are both going to do much better than there mom at math:)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Piano Playing

Brendon and Calebs piano teacher wanted the boys to get some experience playing in front of an audience. Tonight at church they each played a song. Brendon played Amazing Grace and Caleb played, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. They both did a great job. It is neat seeing how quick they are learning to play so well. Meryn was trying out her singing (more like standing there looking cute) and Trevin looking cute after going out to dinner at Skaets with grandpa and grandma.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Day at the Park

Well Greg just showed me how to post on here, so I am going to try to help keep our blog updated... My friend Angie and I took some of our kids to the park a few days ago for a picnic and to feed the ducks. They had a blast but Meryn liked eating the bread herself more than she did feeding it to the ducks.