Wednesday, March 29, 2006

9 Years!

It's hard for me to believe, but I married the love of my life 9 years ago. Man how time fly's. We've had a very exciting day today. 3 of the 4 kids are sick and only Brendon went to school. So it's really just another day at the Lanker house. Didn't feel like an anniversary. Oh well, many more to come. We're sitting down to watch Lost, so we'll end with this.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sensational Spring Soccer

It's finally here! Spring soccer for Brendon, Caleb and Trevin. I think I may be as excited as they are. This is the 8th season Brendon and Caleb have played and Trevins 3rd. It's so exciting to remember where they started and see how much they have improved and grown in this sport. Brendon and Caleb are lightning fast and have incredible ball control. They really dominate when they play. Trevin is still in the learning stage, but has made incredible improvement over last season. He is so much more aggressive and can read the field and get into position very quickly. I'm helping coach his team this year. Another firefighter is the coach and needed someone to help on the days he's on duty. So this has given me a different perspective on the game. I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to watching these guys grow.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I was in Kansas City this week visiting my cousin from L.A.. We went sight seeing and stopped at Arrowhead and Kaufman stadium. We found an opened door and no one was around so we snuck in and made ourselves at home. This was just too easy. Kind of scary. Anyway, here our some pictures.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Meryn's Lip

I was going through pictures this morning and came across pictures of Meryn in the E.R. right after she fell. I think that I sent some of these pictures, but I don't think I've sent any of how she has been doing lately. I'll recap a little of the events for those who don't know. She was playing on Grandpa and Grandma Neirs bed and fell off onto a radiator heater which split her lip completely and knocked out her tooth. Susan was on her way home from Wichita and on the phone with Grandma when it happened. So Grandma rushed her to the E.R. to get her fixed up. Susan showed up shortly after they arrived. The E.R. doc sewed her up and sent her on her way. We took her to our pediatrician and he was very surprised they hadn't gotten a specialist to sew her up. So he had us see the plastic surgeon who was upset they didn't call him too. After all this, we find out the guy in the E.R. was a P.A., not even a doctor. So that added insult to injury. Anyway, we take her back to the plastic surgeon in June and he's going to see what he can do. We also are going to have her seen for a replacement tooth. She's doing really well with the scar cream we have to use three times daily and tells us that her tooth went "bye bye". So that's where we're at now. I'll try and keep updates when we find out more.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Meryn Wattering

Meryn helped Grandpa water the flowers yesterday. She loves to be involved!

Not too difficult!

Well I think I have figured this out. Now the hard part, keeping it updated. Hopefully I can keep this pretty current. Not too much new is going on here lately. Brendon has been home the last few days with a cold. He's doing much better and should go back tomorrow. Meryn is doing fine with her lip. She will be seeing a pediatric dentist to see about getting a replacement tooth. I'll update when I know more. Caleb and Trevin aren't up to much. They all (boys) start soccer next week. I'll be coaching Trevins team with another firefighter. Should be fun. Thats it for now....

Here we go...

Just starting up with this and trying to figure it out.