Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sensational Spring Soccer

It's finally here! Spring soccer for Brendon, Caleb and Trevin. I think I may be as excited as they are. This is the 8th season Brendon and Caleb have played and Trevins 3rd. It's so exciting to remember where they started and see how much they have improved and grown in this sport. Brendon and Caleb are lightning fast and have incredible ball control. They really dominate when they play. Trevin is still in the learning stage, but has made incredible improvement over last season. He is so much more aggressive and can read the field and get into position very quickly. I'm helping coach his team this year. Another firefighter is the coach and needed someone to help on the days he's on duty. So this has given me a different perspective on the game. I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to watching these guys grow.

1 comment:

The Petricks said...

I love those boys. I am a very proud Aunt or Ant that I sometimes get. Love you boys. Look awesome.