Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Trevin had cowboy day at school, so we had to go get him a hat and bandanna. He was just upset we didn't get him boots also.

His class did a community project last week. All the second graders went to some apartments for people who have become homeless and need emergency housing. They planted lots of flowers in several different areas. He loved getting dirty as usual. When we drove away he told me that we were really lucky that we had a home to live in and how he felt sorry for those people that may not. He has a big heart and loves to always help out so I know this was an eye-opening experience for him.

I took him for a physical yesterday and he is catching his brothers. He is in the 50% percentile. I think he will pass them both up the way he is growing. He is such a fun happy boy, who is always making us laugh. He is playing machine pitch baseball and loving it.


Elisa Seaba said...

You are so handsome Trevin! I love how he looks over his glasses!

June Duehring said...

Eli is always looking over his new glasses just like Trevin now.

Trevin is growing up fast.

Jena Simms said...

Howdy Cowboy, Looks like you could use an adjustment on those glasses. We are proud of you for helping out with the flowers at the homeless shelter.

grammaneir said...

You make a good lookin cowboy Trevin!
I'm glad you are concerned for others too.

Journaling My Journey said...

I love you Buster Brown.
Grandpa Neir

The Lanker Family said...

why did you all talk obout my glasses!trevin

Elisa Seaba said...

because you look so handsome in them, but you make a handsome cowboy too! Hope your having a fun start to summer.