Monday, August 11, 2008

We're all moved in...

We have worked non-stop for the last two weeks on the new house. Things are going really well and we are loving the space. It is just a lot of space to update. My sister Elisa (Seaba Five) came for several days and we got lots of painting and decorating done. Then Greg's brothers family (Lanker Time) came for 4 days and we did lots more painting and Heather made us curtains and window seat pillows for all the kids windows. We also got all the wallpaper peeled off all the walls. So we have made a bunch of progress, we just have a bunch more to go. It is so worth it to have all this space. It has been so nice for the kids to have places to go play. They are all loving it! Check out Lanker Time on our blog roll for a couple pictures and we promise to post some soon.


June Duehring said...

Hey, I looked at the pictures and I love what you did to the dining room, It looks awesome. I can't wait to see what all you have done since I saw it.

I am planning to come for a few days of the fair. I will probably be there for the $1 Monday with the kids. Tell Trevin Micah is very excited to see him.

Jena Simms said...

Saw the pictures on Lanker Time. Looks great! We will come see all the progress soon.