Monday, October 13, 2008


A fancy McDonald's

Having lunch in the snack car
Having too much fun

Navy Pier

I had a great time in Chicago with my parents, Elisa & John. It was a full weekend. We kept on the move all the time even in the train. When we first got on the train in KC my mom, Elisa and I decided to explore the train. They took off and I was a little behind, I made it out of our car before the door closed but the one into the next car was already closed. I think if I would not have panicked I would have noticed the large button you press for the door to open. Instead I panicked and was getting rocked back and forth pretty bad while manually trying to pull(does not work) the door open. And it gets pretty wild standing between two cars, it is no smooth ride. I was just starring at my mom and sister walk further away thinking how rude of them to not turn around and check on me:) Well a bright light went off and I calmly pressed the button and nonchalantly strolled through the next car of people that had been staring at me for the last 10 seconds of confinement. About the time I figured it out my mom turned around and asked Elisa what I was doing so far behind. We all had a good laugh at my expense.

Friday night we went to the Navy Pier and spent some time walking around and riding the Ferris wheel. It was a neat way to see the city. That night we headed to Gino's Pizza. We had a couple delicious pizza's and ate way too much. We then were able to leave some graffiti on the walls to say we had been there. Saturday we had another full day at the Museum of Science and industry. We went shopping on Michigan Avenue which was packed with people. That night we went and watched Fireproof which was a great movie. Sunday we went to Moody church and got some lunch before heading back to Union Station for our train ride home. We had an awesome time! Thanks so much Mom & Dad for everything!


Elisa Seaba said...

I just got done laughing my head off AGAIN, reading about you getting stuck between the cars. At least you weren't the only one trying to pry the train doors open, there were several others that also failed to see the big PUSH TO OPEN sign :) :)

grammaneir said...

When you can picture the whole thing, it was very funny and I am laughing again as well. I would have helped you in a heartbeat Susan but you are always moving so fast that I was just trying to stay out of your way:) It was fun!

Jena Simms said...

For pity sakes Susan, push the button. Smile!