Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Calebs run in with the glass

Caleb thought it would be funny to lock Trevin outside last night while he was taking the trash out. So Trevin decided he would pound on the window until someone opened it. Caleb decided he would show Trevin up with one HUGE pound on the window. The rest is history! I was out running with a friend when I got back I had several missed calls and was sick to hear Greg was at the ER with Caleb. Brought back bad memories of the day Meryn hurt her lip. I rushed over sweaty & stinky to be with them. It looked bad but not near as bad as when the doc numbed it up to sew it. He cleaned the blood out, I was shocked how deep it was, we even got to see a tendon(yuck). The er doc said he could see two spots where it cut the tendon and so he called the orthopedic on call to see what he wanted him to do. The ortho dr said to just close it up and he would look at it today. So long story cut short...When I took Caleb in today the orthopedic was happy with how well Caleb could move all the different ways he wanted him to and with little to no pain. He said it had to be as little as 20% of a tendon injury/cut and he wasn't going to need surgery. Thank the Lord!!

Trevin had a really hard time thinking he was to blame for this so my parents brought him to the ER to be with Caleb. The kids were all so sweet...when Greg took Caleb he left the other 3 home alone since I was gone. They told my mom they huddled in the living room and prayed for Caleb. Then they called my parents and asked them to come over to be with them. They were all so sweet to Caleb. I think the three of them cried more than Caleb did. I am so thankful for our tenderhearted children!


June Duehring said...

Yikes! That looks like a dangerous place to get cut open. I am glad he is ok. Cute picture of Trevin with him. He looks so sad. :(

Elisa Seaba said...

Those sad faces just make me want to cry. I'll be honest i am not looking too closely at the cut pictures cause i don't want johnny to have to pick m,e up off the floor! We are so glad your ok Caleb! what an ordeal!

John and Melanie said...

Glad Caleb's okay! The cut does look pretty bad. Poor Trevin he looks so sad.

Don and Roberta Graber said...

Oh Caleb,
I am so sorry for you accident. I am glad you didn't have to have surgery.
Trevin, you look so sad. I'm happy it wasn't your fault, or you would have really been feeling awful.

Jenny said...

Caleb and Trevin....what love you have for each other. It is so wonderful to have you as our grandchildren as well as examples of what it means to be in the family of God. Praying for you!