Sunday, March 07, 2010

Why I should not go to church after working night shift!

I worked 7p-7a Saturday night and decided to go to the 8:30 service this morning before going to bed. Well that did not turn out to be such a good idea! I went with my friend Mandy, who had worked all night too. I started struggling the last 15 min of the service and had a few thoughtful nods for our pastor, but if that was the only thing, I wouldn't feel SO embarrassed! Well at some point he asked us to bow our heads and that's the last I remembered. Until I woke up all of the sudden and for some reason, through my nodding off, heard something about raising your hand and without any thought of why or what was going on, I shot my hand up and then down. As soon as I did that I thought, that's weird, I wonder what he was talking about and what I raised my hand to. He did go on and I was completely awake now, so I listened and he then asked anyone to raise their hand if there were areas that they could improve getting closer to God or things they would do differently(at least in my somewhat coma state, that's what I remember). He then ended in prayer and we left. As soon as Mandy and I got in the car we were talking about how I was struggling and nodding off and I told her it was kinda weird, I remembered hearing something about raising your hand and I did. I asked her what that was all about because I had no clue. She looked at me and started laughing soooo hard eventually she let me know that I was basically saying I was not saved and wanted to be and that I had addictions I needed rescued from. It wouldn't be that big of a deal but since we were in the front row practically and a half empty church, I am sure my hand was NOT missed... our pastor must think that I have been living a double life. Well I think I will just sleep from now on after I work all night...that or sit on my hands!


John and Melanie said...

The first step is admitting it.


The Lanker Family said...

Thanks John I needed that!!!

Elisa Seaba said...

I am laughing so hard right now!

grammaneir said...

Hilarious Susan - I think you better sleep the next time:)

Steph said...

OH Susan, I was laughing so hard last night when I read that to Steve. I have so been there...but don't think I ever raised my hand. ;)

June Duehring said...

Oh my word. That is hilarious. :)

Don and Roberta Graber said...

Oh Susan,
I just read your blog and I was laughing so hard I could barely read it to Don.
Yes, admitting your addiction publicly is a huge step!!!