Saturday, September 08, 2007

Birthday Pictures

We had a fun filled day, with 4 exhausted kids tonight. This morning Meryn wanted me to make her "beautiful". I used the hot rollers thinking I would just give some curls for the day, and boy did it ever. As much as I tried to brush it out, it just stayed as bouncy as ever and Meryn just loved it, so I guess thats all that matters.

Brendon, Caleb and Trevin had their first soccer games this morning. They all did a good job and were worn out after those. But that didn't stop our day of fun:) We took all the kids and John, Melanie and Ella to the state fair for several hours. It was packed and all you could do to get two strollers through the crowds plus keep an eye on three very excited boys wanting to get all the free stuff. We did manage:).

Tonight we had dinner at my parents and had a small party for Meryn. She picked out a princess theme and was very excited about the decorations and the heaping pile of presents. She loved them all and will have lots to do now while her brothers are at school. We are so grateful for Meryn and could not imagine life without her. She is such a fun, happy, loving, entertaining girl. We love you Meryn, Happy 4th Birthday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Meryn! You are such a cutie! We love you!

John, Melanie & Ella