Wednesday, September 05, 2007


We're a little behind on what all has been going on here. Susan went to Kansas City for a few days to help out with her sisters new baby. For labor day, Johnny & Lisa and Phil & Julie came down. The kids had a lemonade stand and also sold watermelons. They also had tons of fun outdoors with the beautiful weather. Brendon, Caleb and Trevin all started soccer practice and will have their first game this Saturday. Tonight Trevin has his first practice for flag football. He is nervous because he hasn't played before and his friends all have. All 3 boys have always wanted to play football, but this is the first year we have done it. The twins won't be playing this season but we will see after that. It is tackle for their age and I am not sure how much they would actually like it. Meryn will turn 4 on Saturday. It is hard to believe our "baby" is growing up so fast. That's just a little look at what's been going on lately.

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