Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Kid Facts

Brendon...10 years old, does a great job helping keep the house clean, has really long side burns, has scruffy hair right now, is getting his hair cut on the 12th, played a great basketball game on Saturday, will start soccer in march, wants to play football this fall, has all "A's" in school, still enjoys playing the piano, wants to get contacts, will try most foods, is very shy around strangers, loves to save everything, likes to read, wants to be a CEO when he grows up

Caleb... 10 years old, loves flying a jet on the computer, likes to do magic tricks, keeps his hair short to avoid gel, has tummy aches most days, got really aggressive in Saturdays basketball game(something we hadn't seen yet), reading for battle of the books at school, will start soccer in March(brrr), wants to play football, loves getting good grades, has all A's in School, is still playing the piano, wanted to stop taking lessons, as of yesterday doesn't want to stop taking lessons, always wants to cook or bake, is a very picky eater, not afraid to go alone anywhere, talks to strangers, wants to design things when he grows up

Trevin...8 years old, is growing like a weed, is hungry ALL the time, loves school, would play wii or computer 24/7 if we didn't put limits on it, chases girls at recess, loves to hear Buster Brown from grandpa, misses his cousins, is VERY excited some of his cousins are coming today to visit, doesn't play his drums very often:), plays very well with Meryn, loves TV, has eczema mostly on his legs, plays basketball, wants to play football and soccer, is quiet & sits still in school, never stops talking or moving at home, a couple times a month will come sleep on our floor at night, loves sweets, will read when told to, wants to work for Brendon's buisness when he grows up

Meryn...4 years old, wants to get her hair cut, loves to play Rage, is hanging upside down watching Doodlebops right now, loves to eat breakfast, is stuffed up, plays grocery store most days, loves working on her number and letter flashcards, would go to Grandmas everyday if given the choice, loves to call people, won't talk most the time when she calls people, won't talk to strangers, won't stop talking to us, went to her first movie last month, loves her brothers, hates to be bossed by them, likes to chew gum, sleep walks, talks or screams while sleep walking, does not like cheese, likes to look at books or be read to, wants to be a Doctor when she grows up


Elisa Seaba said...

That was fun to read! That's great that they have all A's in school, good job guys! The hanging upside down watching Doodlebops cracked me up :)

The Petricks said...

I had a great laugh. THanks for sharing. I miss them so much.